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ex machina

people who know me, know that i am an npr junkie. i really can't get enough of it. my car has three public radio stations preset. yes - three. if there were more stations in the chicagoland area, i'd probably have them all preset. so it wasn't without a little trepidation that i followed the metafilter thread that promised to reveal what the "personalities" looked like. these are people that i've listened to for over 10 years. i've got a pretty concrete mental image of what they all look like and it's not just like you can go destroying mental constructions willy-nilly. and yet, despite my better judgement, i peeked. some, like sylvia poggioli are close [ although, to be honest, i expected any picture of her to show an unfiltered, roll-your-own cigarette somewhere in the frame ]. others, like linda werthheimer couldn't be more different than i had expected.

o.k. maybe i'm a little more dedicated to public radio than most people, but i'm certainly not quite as bad as this person:
"And, as is perhaps inevitable with virtual families, I've assigned all sorts of personal qualities to all my NPR friends and lovers. Given them hairstyles and tics and birthmarks. I've ascribed ethnicities and magazine subscriptions and favorite foods to them. (I feel quite strongly that Steve Inskeep is a chili dog guy, for instance, and know beyond a shadow of a doubt where Ann Taylor shops for her blouses.)"
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9/21/2001 10:38:00 PM 0 comments


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[ rhetoric ]

"it is hard to be brave," said piglet, sniffing slightly, "when you're only a Very Small Animal." rabbit, who had begun to write very busily, looked up and said: "it is because you are a very small animal that you will be Useful in the adventure before us."

the complete tales & poems of winnie the pooh

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this site chronicles the continuing adventures of my son, odin, who was unexpectedly born on the fourth of july at 25 weeks gestation, weighing 1 pound 7 ounces.

he's quite a fighter and you can always send him a postcard to the most current address listed here if you're inspired by his adventures. see the postcard project/google maps mashup to see a map of the postcards.

if you're new, you can browse the archives to catch up. and don't forget to watch a few movies that i made while we were in the neonatal intensive care unit. or if you want the abridged version and you can find a copy, you can read about his adventures in the november 2005 issue of parents magazine.

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