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the eric update - day 8: the perfect moment

what can i say? the kid enjoys defying the odds and exceeding expectations. last night he had his umbilical arterial (UA) line removed and they thought they might remove his umbilical venous (UV) line if he looked good over the night. they only remove these lines when he's begun to stabilize enough that he doesn't require extremely precise measurements of blood gasses, so it's one more sign that he's doing fantastic.

they thought perhaps they'd try to put what's known as a pic intravenous line in a good spot in him, which they'd thread close to his heart. then they'd need to watch and wait and make sure that he faired well after the routine, but still difficult, procedures.

he did so well over the night with all the changes that we were very pleasantly surprised to find the nurse asking us if we'd like to hold him when we arrived at the nicu! they had been telling us that it could be weeks before we could hold him, so you can imagine the range of emotions we felt in an extremely short time period.

i know this might be bordering on the cliche', but it truly was one of the most sublime and inspiring events of our lives and the pictures don't even come close to capturing the essence of the experience.

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7/12/2004 09:03:00 PM 8 comments


WOW OH WOW... I just logged on and up popped your latest posting with the fantastic news. Way to go e4! You just keep right on amazing us! We won't complain one bit. LOL Grandpa E

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:31 PM  

I agree with Dad...WOW!! I looked up the name "Eric" today and some interpretations of the meaning of Eric include "ever powerful". I would say the name suits him well. I am so happy that you were both able to hold him today. As you said, "the perfect moment".


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 PM  

Yes! Yes! Yes! This made my whole office cheer! They are have you on the 4:00 up date every night so I get tons of E-mails saying how wonderful it is to see Eric the 4th progressing so well. He is on everyones prayer list it looks like to me that he is smiling just a little to feel Kris hold him. I remember that "first hold" with all of you, it didn't matter if you were 6 or 4, a newborn or a niece or nephew, it was a special God Given moment that Moms treasure for life. Hold it close. Love you SS

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:59 PM  

Wowie WoW WOW!! Holy Cow! I am amazed at this miraculous little boy. So, what did he feel like to hold?? I can only imagine that he must be as light as a kitten, but of course more enjoyable than that (and fewer scratches LOL) This kid is beating every odd, I am just speechless. It must be because he has such great parents pulling for him...and aunts and uncles and grandparents ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:33 AM  


Glad to hear the good new, hope everything keeps going smoothly. Your in our prayers. Mary Ellen

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:02 AM  

Wow! You held him! A moment you will never forget as a parent. I don't know what to say other than E4 is such a miracle. So Strong and so determined. It gives me goosebumps everytime I check in on you all. Hurray for you all - thinking and praying for you all daily.

Lisa Doane
co-worker of Sondra's

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:36 AM  

Not everyone gets to experience one of God's miracles. Yours is truly a special one and being able to hold his tiny miracle in your hands(the picture was awesome to see) will forever change your lives. His progress is astounding to see. E4 and his family are in my thoughts and prayers. You've truly been blessed. "You go E4-keep up the good work of growing stronger every day"
Judy Narducci
co-worker of Sondra's(the wonderful grandmother)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:00 AM  

by the time i get home from the hospital and upload the photos and write the posts, i find that i don't have much time at all to comment on the comments! in any case, kris and i read and enjoy all that everyone writes, whether it's here or in an email or on another site entirely. it's appreciated whether or not i get a chance to respond.

it's been great to get home from the hospital and find that i not only don't have to tell the same story over and over, but rather people are already commenting on what's been written and sharing their own stories.

By Blogger e3, at 12:02 AM  

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this site chronicles the continuing adventures of my son, odin, who was unexpectedly born on the fourth of july at 25 weeks gestation, weighing 1 pound 7 ounces.

he's quite a fighter and you can always send him a postcard to the most current address listed here if you're inspired by his adventures. see the postcard project/google maps mashup to see a map of the postcards.

if you're new, you can browse the archives to catch up. and don't forget to watch a few movies that i made while we were in the neonatal intensive care unit. or if you want the abridged version and you can find a copy, you can read about his adventures in the november 2005 issue of parents magazine.

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