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the eric update - day 158: perhaps his leg is hollow.

mr. eats-a-lot is still eating a lot and we're beginning to understand how one person called the time during her son's growth spurt binges as 'Mama's 1st official breakdown'.

during the day, you can often hear kris wondering aloud if perhaps his leg is hollow, as it simply seems impossible to imagine that all the milk is going in his stomach.

here, kris has nursed him for about 40 minutes then went downstairs to get laundry ( and yes, smarty pants, i get laundry too ); in short order odin let the world know that he was not nearly done eating and i quickly prepared a 70 cc bottle that he commenced to guzzle and finish about 7 minutes.

he ended the milk bender with an astoundingly loud belch and was sated for about 30 minutes on kris' shoulder before the whole process started all over again.

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12/09/2004 11:22:00 PM 5 comments


sounds like he's really trying to build up supply :) hang in there, it will pass - the more he nurses, the sooner it will build up supply. Glad you guys have some back up milk, though! When the boys were going through growth spurts, there was no break so I couldn't possibly pump. Learning how to nurse while laying down and while working on the computer saved my sanity. I still haven't caught up on my laundry though. LOL.

And, my the way, ask your mother, but I think you were a constant eater too. Monica said that as a young lad, you used to wake up in the night wanting a sandwich. And, I seem to remember us going through about a gallon of milk per day, in high school, between you and Keith.

By Blogger Candy, at 7:36 AM  

So, I assume he's keeping the milk down? My goodness - his stomach must really be expanding, or he truly does have a hollow leg! I know reflux was a concern at one time, but I don't recall exactly when it resolved.

This brings me to a question, though. When looking at when to start Odin on solids, are there any special considerations you will need to keep in mind as parents of a micropreemie?

By Blogger KelliAmanda, at 9:39 AM  

Yup, sounds about right, sadly.

On an up note, just looking at the pictures, it's pretty astouding how fast Odin seems to be GROOOOOOOWING! You'd absolutely NEVER be able to tell that he was such a micropreemie! Mama must being doing something right, because he looks just wonderful! Beautiful creamy skin, bright alert eyes, lovely pink lips and chubby cheeks. He must be making up for lost time!

This borders (well, more than borders) on unsolicited advice, but you can totally chose to ignore it (and I'm sure I don't have to tell you that :D). Anyhow, I'm wondering if Kris knows about 'switch' nursing? The whole concept is based on the fact that the breasts are never really empty. So, you nurse on one side until babe seems good and done with it (20 minutes or longer with some compression at the end) and then switch to the other side. Repeat. If babe is still hungry, you can switch back to the first breast and repeat, indefinately.

Anyhow, Mr-Eats-A-Lot, is certianly looking rather yummy and healthy! Again, pretty amazing!

By Blogger pumpkinhead, at 10:50 AM  

And, my the way, ask your mother, but I think you were a constant eater too. |

yeah. apparently after doing my own micropreemie thing, when i got out of the hospital, i ate and ate and ate. in fact, i ate so much that when i took my time starting to walk, instead of thinking that my prematurity had anything to do with the doctor theorized that it was because i had become too fat!

So, I assume he's keeping the milk down? |

yup, he's keeping his food down. he's stopped spitting up over time although he's still on his meds. sometimes after he eats he can get fussy and some of that fussiness i think is due to non-visible effects of reflux. i keep forgetting to mention that his diapers are plenty wet regardless of whether or not he's received a bottle, so it still doesn't appear to be an issue of dimished milk production. i think he really is just that hungry.

By Blogger e3, at 12:09 PM  

I remember those days, or should I say nights. My 10 month old did that for almost a week straight when he was about 1 1/2 months old, but only during the nights. I was glad my older kids were in school so I could sleep when he did during the day.
My son still goes through eating spurts but now that he is mainly on food and not formula it is easier on me!

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:15 PM  

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