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the eric update - day 426: The Great Butt Rash War.

other than the occasional teething-related chappy cheeks, we've been quite fortunate to not have to deal with any chappy/rashy ailments that a good dose of a&d ointment ( thanks for the suggestion, lafrog! ) couldn't fix. that is, until recently.

we've suddenly found ourselves in the midst of a butt rash battle that we are evidently losing what with the ever increasing expanse of blistery red skin that's taking over his behind.

apparently, the faithful a&d ointment needs to be replaced with stronger anti butt rash weaponry and i'm sure odin would be the first to thank anyone who can suggest a soothing salve :-)

we think it's teething induced diaper rash, although that's just a guess ( where's that handbook again? ). we've introduced a few new foods recently, but the rash doesn't seem to be related to any of those.

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9/03/2005 06:33:00 PM 16 comments


Have you tried Desitin? It smells strong, but it works!

By Blogger Kendra, at 7:45 PM  

We have used Boudreaux's Butt's brown and very thick but has worked with one application! Found it at Target. My son also had what we thought was a diaper rash that turned out to be a yeast infection that cleared up with lotrimin cream. Good luck! (too funny)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:01 PM  

Diaper rash is often caused by lipases released in the baby's excrement that react with the skin. Many not-so-environmentally-friendly, new-fangled diapers have treated the diapers to deal with these lipases. Have you tried switching diaper brands, if only temporarily?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 PM  

It sounds yeasty to me. Try applying a thin layer of an antifungal like OTC canestan or monistat or even lotrimin cream and then apply a thick layer of some form of barrier cream over top (like butt paste, aquaphor etc). If it looks less red and lumpy in 12 hours, it's probably the yeasty beasties. Yogurt and probiotics are a good preventative.

I've heard that the saliva of a teething babe is more acidic than usual and this can upset the gut flora balance making them more prone to yeasty bums. Not sure of the science there, but it made sense at the time :-). Good luck!

By Blogger pumpkinhead, at 8:07 PM  

If you think it's teething related, you can try smearing some minty Maalox on to help with the acidity (just like you would apply it to the inside of your stomach!) and then A&D on top.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:58 PM  

I'm going to agree with yeast and teething. It seemed the farther along with the teeth we got, the worse the rashes were. And a rash that lasts more than a day or two generally turns itself into some nasty nasty yeast.

Does he eat yogurt? Yogurt is a life saver around her WRT yeast. M love yogurt, and if Odin won't eat it, you can always just slather it on like diaper rash cream. ;) Clotrimazole or Monistat found OTC work well for yeast rashes too. To confirm yeast rash, go to and search for yeast rash and you'll get a pic. :)

By Blogger Suzanne, at 10:49 PM  

Balmex! Not sure of the correct spelling. But it worked everytime for my boys. I've also heard bagbalm works great too. I would not put minty Maalox on Odin's hinnie...I understand the logic, however, it would probably burn! Ouch! I agree with switching diapers and even wipes temporarily, couldn't hurt to try. Good Luck.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:18 PM  

I was going to say, it sounds like yeast to me too. You may need a prescription of Nystatin to cure this nasty rash.

Otherwise, I use bag balm for a daily protectant.

By Blogger Sandi, at 12:04 AM  

Here is the tried and true from our house.
First, make sure the area is clean, not using commercial baby wipes, and dry.
Then apply a thin layer of anti-fungal cream
(generic over the counter is just fine)
And then add a layer of diaper cream (Airbonne is our favorite followed by Aubrey Organics)
This works best at night and works like a charm.
Hope he feels better soon!


By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:52 PM  

We are hooked on Resinol at our home. Works every time for us and very quickly. You don't have to have a prescription to buy it but you have to ask a pharmacist for it. We also do baking soda baths.

Tina / AL

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:05 PM  

wow. thanks for all the suggestions and advice!

soon after writing this, we ran out and bought some balmex using the "scan the drugstore counters and pick the one with the least amount of ingredients that you can't pronounce" method of choosing product. i must say, after a day or so, his diaper rash has almost diappeared! but, it's a little disconcerting to see in a recent article:

"Sodium borate, listed as an inactive ingredient in many diaper rash creams, "should not be used on infant skin or on injured skin," according to a panel of experts funded by the cosmetics industry itself. That panel, the Cosmetic Ingredient Review board, which includes an FDA representative, reviews the safety of ingredients in cosmetics. So far, it has only reviewed a small fraction of the thousands on the market.

Last week, Jerry Rachanow, an FDA pharmacist and regulatory lawyer said the "agency is not aware of any problems with this ingredient.""

i can't seem to find out why a cosmetic industry group is rushing to wwarn the public before the fda, although i suppose conspiracy theorists might have a thought or two about that :-) sigh.

even before this incident, we have tried to give odin a little naked time to air things out, but he sure does love to pee on everything :-) unless it's for extremely short periods of time, we have to opt for "mostly naked time" and have put on loose fitting garments to help contain the damage.

and although it did look blistery and yucky, i'm guessing that it was just a nasty case of plain ol' diaper rash without and yeast, since it disappeared so quickly without any antifungals?

thanks again for all the great suggestions! i'm sure most of them will eventually make their way into our anti diaper rash arsenal.

By Blogger e3, at 3:23 PM  

Here's another one that works in our household. We use the creamy Desitin (the skin doesn't get tugged when you apply it which is a bonus) and then top it off with some baby powder. I don't know why it works, but it does. It kind of makes a barricade I guess. Good luck as I know it isn't fun for the baby to have a sore bottom.

By Blogger Gab, at 8:50 PM  

Balmex is what I use for most minor diaper rashes, or pink cheeks.

When a bad rash hits, though, I reach for the Dr. Smith's Diaper Ointment.

That stuff is like GOLD. It's expensive, but will clear up just about anything, so long as it's not fungal.

**Also, as a side note, any of the diaper rash cremes that have a strong smell to them, probably contain fish oil. Yuck. Fish oil will stain cloth diapers and clothing. Just a random FYI.

By Blogger amy, at 11:31 AM  

I learned after the first rash - a little zinc oxide ointment spread evenly will prevent even the slightess red bump from ever appearing. Does not smell like fish, it's economical, you can buy it in large jars, and even an full overnight diaper won't redden the skin.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:52 PM  

thanks again for all the suggestions! i think this might be the most active topic in a long time. seems lots of people have fought skirmishes in The Great Butt Rash War :-)

By Blogger e3, at 3:10 PM  

my daughter had a confirmed yeast infection that we were told to treat with Lotrimin and a barrier cream. I tried all other creams and then found Triple Paste. It is a miracle. Cleared up the rest of the rash in less than two days.Expensive, but worth it.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 AM  

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