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the eric update - day 515: a budding musical savant?

as we continue our guitar lessons, i thought it might be nice to see if odin could master the complexities of the pitch pipe. of course, it only took a few moments for him to figure out how to play along while i strummed in a modified open g tuning.

maybe he's just politely trying to make a comment on my lack of perfect pitch.

and since he seem so naturally inclined towards reed instruments, maybe i'll have to dust off the harmonica much sooner than later.

could a father and son podcast be far off?

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12/01/2005 07:47:00 PM 0 comments


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[ rhetoric ]

"it is hard to be brave," said piglet, sniffing slightly, "when you're only a Very Small Animal." rabbit, who had begun to write very busily, looked up and said: "it is because you are a very small animal that you will be Useful in the adventure before us."

the complete tales & poems of winnie the pooh

[ about ]

this site chronicles the continuing adventures of my son, odin, who was unexpectedly born on the fourth of july at 25 weeks gestation, weighing 1 pound 7 ounces.

he's quite a fighter and you can always send him a postcard to the most current address listed here if you're inspired by his adventures. see the postcard project/google maps mashup to see a map of the postcards.

if you're new, you can browse the archives to catch up. and don't forget to watch a few movies that i made while we were in the neonatal intensive care unit. or if you want the abridged version and you can find a copy, you can read about his adventures in the november 2005 issue of parents magazine.

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